Hours of Operations
M onday- Thursday
see schedule
for class times
Friday........... special events
Saturday.......for parties & events
Sunday.......... for parties & events
West Valley Mall
3200 Naglee Rd #120
Tracy CA, 95304

Standard party . $350, 2 hours, and 20 participants:
Activities options: You may choose up to TWO options for a party
*Gellyball (Ages 8+) (only a $29.99 upgrade for ammo) $29.99 total upgrade, not per person
*Sword Fighting (Ages 8+)
*Nerf Guns (Ages 8+) Participants will be required to work together and clean up the ammo. This shows community and working together as a team.
​*Combat Archery (Ages 12+ no exceptions)
Please make sure to wear long sleeves and pants for extra padding.
Parents, please, make it easy on yourself. If decorations and bells and whistles stress you out, DON"T do them! From the countless parties we have done in past YEARS we have observed, the fact that with kids, ( especially boys) DO NOT CARE about decorations and all the bells and whistles. They are more concerned in either beating on each other or shooting each other.
We want to allow as many people from the community as possible to relieve stress in these current times, so after nerf events, participants will be required to assist in picking up nerf ammo and equipment so that we may quickly sanitize and prepare between uses.
Do you have party needs? Well this is the right place for you.
Click here for a breakdown of a party
The birthday guest of honor gets to:
*cut the cake with a REAL sword! (under 18 yrs old cuts it WITH the instructor)